Friday, 20 December 2013

Anecdote about DMG and Carnosine for Rage, Tantrums and Agression

This a review from iherb:

"My 20 year old autistic MR non verbal son had horrible rage filled outbursts. He was physically abusive at home and at school on a daily basis. Within one month of taking 2 balance behavior dmg capsules, the rage went to once a month. Now after taking 2 behavior balance DMG in the am, along with 2 plain dmg 125 mg(no b vitamin)in the afternoon with a b complex vitamin, he has gone without any incidences of rage for well over a month. His suspicion of people is minimal. He no longer has the fight or flight mentality. For the first time in 19 1/2 years, he started watching tv. The tv watching started 3 weeks after taking the behavior balance DMG. Last year at this time he had been hospitalized for a broken leg following a restraint at a psychiatric hospital for uncontrollable physically abusive and aggressive behaviors. He is like a new kid now, funny happy and able to communicate better. I think the DMG helped detoxify him and the b vitamins took his stress away. I try to get him mad now, but nothing seems to bother him anymore. It is simply a miracle. I see no negative side affects. He is still on other medications, but I saw positive responses after he started taking the behavior balance DMG. I am no longer in fear and do not have to consider placing him outside the home. I would certainly recommend trying DMG behavior balance for someone who has difficult behaviors and extreme temper tantrums and aggressive behavior and also for someone who seems fearful or suspicious of people. It was worth it to my son and me."

For this product: DaVinci Laboratories of Vermont, Behavior Balance-DMG, 120 Capsules

It is primarily DMG, Carnosine, B6, P5P, and Magnesium Aspartatem with a little B12, E, Betaine, and Folic Acid.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Hostility, anxiety and depression caused by raised prolactin levels (hyperprolactinemia)

Raised prolactin levels (hyperprolactinemia) correlate positively with increased hostility, depression and anxiety.

According to iherb reviewers, Dopa Mucuna (Mucuna Pruriens) is an effective inhibitor of prolactin, as is SAM-e.

According to this: ""

"Studies of men and women with elevated levels of prolactin report decreased sexual interest, arousal, orgasm as well as mood disturbances such as anxiety and depression."

From ""

"Depression and hostility in hyperprolactinemia.
Fava MFava GAKellner RSerafini EMastrogiacomo I.
1. Patients with hyperprolactinemia offer a unique opportunity to investigate the effects of prolactin on psychological states. Women with hyperprolactinemic amenorrhea rated themselves significantly more hostile, more depressed and more anxious than women with amenorrhea only and normal women. 2. The hyperprolactinemic patients were compared with a group of post-partum (7th day) women, matched for sociodemographic variables and prolactin levels. The post-partum women showed significantly less depression and anxiety than those with hyperprolactinemic amenorrhea but about the same levels of hostility. 3. Hyperprolactinemic males did not rate themselves more hostile and depressed than matched controls."

"Prolactin, aggression and hostility: a discussion of recent studies.


Several studies are summarized in which the relationship of high prolactin levels and self-rated anger-hostility was examined. The Symptom Questionnaire, a state measure which contains an anger-hostility scale, was included in all studies. Women with hyperprolactinemic amenorrhea were found to have higher hostility scores than amenorrheic women with normal prolactin levels. In another study, hyperprolactinemic women were found to have higher hostility scores than female family practice patients, random employees and there was a nonsignificant trend for higher hostility scores than in female nonpsychotic psychiatric outpatients. In both studies, depression and anxiety were also significantly higher. When bromocriptine, a prolactin lowering drug, was administered to hyperprolactinemic women in a double blind crossover study, there was a significant and progressive decrease of hostility, depression and anxiety while on bromocriptine, parallel with the decrease in prolactin and no change on placebo. Post-partum women who had high prolactin levels were significantly more hostile than a control group of employees and as hostile as hyperprolactinemic women. Hyperprolactinemic males were no more hostile than controls. The relationship of prolactin to post-partum aggression in mammals is briefly reviewed. The findings are inconclusive; in the three species studied, postpartum aggression is perhaps enhanced, but does not depend on high prolactin levels. There are no studies on the relationship of prolactin levels and violence in women. Hostility associated with high prolactin levels in postpartum women is perhaps a phylogenetic remnant which may have had the evolutionary advantage of protecting the young.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]"

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Rhodiola rosea can help reduce exaggerated startle responses, and Huperzine A can cause 'twitching' (myoclonus / hypnic jerks?), according to reviewers

Rhodiola rosea can help reduce exaggerated startle responses, and Huperzine A can cause 'twitching' (myoclonus / hypnic jerks?), according to reviewers

Rodiola is also good for energy, and those who don't get up well in the morning.

Huperzine A increases Acetycholine, and helps learning and memory.

The above form reviews at (for rhodiola) and (for huperzine a)

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

B6, Niacin etc for Autism - Double blind, crossover studies etc.

1. A practising doctor can report on case studies, which these doctors have done. They do not undertake RCT's. That is a different area of endeavour.
2. While a study, or a randomized control trial to be more exact, is "substantial proof" of something, it is not the only possible proof
3. The report of patients and doctors alike in this regard should reasonably lead everyone to *suspect* the efficacy of these treatments
4. The financial incentive to explore this area is non-existant
5. The role of B6 (pyroluria) and B12 (histadelia) in Autism has been studied formally, and PROVEN to be usefull/
6. Autism == Neurological disease of childhood,
7. Depression, anxiety and so on = Neurological disease of adulthood

Here is a quote from the book, "The Neurobiology of Autism"

"Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) supplementation has been reported to improvebehavior in autism (Rimland, 1974). A subsequent double-blind, placebo-controlled trial supported the earlier report (Rimland et al., 1978). Discussing themetabolic approaches to the treatment of autism spectrum disorders, Page(2000) suggested that several well-designed studies, including Coleman (1989),Kleijnen and Knipschild (1991), and Lelord et al. (1988), supported the idea that pyridoxine improves some symptoms of autism."

Coleman N. 1989. Autism: non-drug biological treatments. In C Gilberg (ed.), Diagnosisand Treatment of Autism,pp. 219–35. New York: Plenum Press.

Coppen A, Chaudhry S, Swade C. 1986. Folic acid enhances lithium prophylaxis. J AffectiveDisord10:9–13.

Kleijnen J, Knipschild P. 1991. Niacin and vitamin B-6 in mental functioning: a review ofcontrolled trials in humans. Biol Psychiatry29:931–41.

Lelord G, Barthelemy C, Martineau N. 1988. Clinical and biological effects of vitamin B-6 plus magnesium in autistic subjects. In J Laklam and R Reynolds R (eds.), VitaminB-6 Responsive Disorders in Humans,pp. 329–56. New York: Liss.

Page T. 2000. Metabolic approaches to the treatment of autism spectrum disorders. JAutism Dev Disord30:463–69

Rimland B. 1974. An orthomolecular study of psychotic children. J Orthomol Psychiatry3:371–77.

Rimland B, Callaway E, Dreyfus P. 1978. The effect of high doses of vitamin B-6 on autis-tic children: a double-blind crossover study. Am J Psychiatry135:472–75.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Norethisterone (Primolut-N) causes impaired glucose tolerance and lowers the good HDL Cholesterol, as well as alpha-lipoproteincholesterol

Norethisterone (Primolut-N) causes impaired glucose tolerance and lowers the good HDL Cholesterol, as well as alpha-lipoproteincholesterol


"Lipid metabolic studies in oophorectomised women: effects on serum lipids and lipoproteins of three synthetic progestogens.


Norethisterone acetate, medroxyprogesterone acetate and levonorgestrel were administered to oophorectomised women to evaluate the effects they have on lipid metabolism. Blood samples were drawn after a 3 wk period without hormone therapy and after 3 wk on each progestogen. Serum and lipoprotein lipids were followed and an oral glucose tolerance test with blood glucose and plasma insulin determinations were performed. The nortestosterone derivatives, norethisterone acetate and levonorgestrel, decreased high density lipoprotein cholesterol as well as alpha-lipoproteincholesterol, while the 17-hydroxyprogesterone derivative medroxyprogesterone acetate did not. Norethisterone acetate and medroxyprogesterone acetate impaired glucose tolerance. A difference between nortestosterone derivatives and 17-hydroxyprogesterone derivatives having an effect on high density lipoproteins is suggested."

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Women with Interstitial Cystitis or Painful Bladder Syndrome have other conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome and fibromyalgia

"Many women with IC/PBS have other conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome and fibromyalgia. Scientists believe IC/PBS may be a bladder manifestation of a more general condition that causes inflammation in various organs and parts of the body."
