1. A practising doctor can report on case studies, which these doctors have done. They do not undertake RCT's. That is a different area of endeavour.
2. While a study, or a randomized control trial to be more exact, is "substantial proof" of something, it is not the only possible proof
3. The report of patients and doctors alike in this regard should reasonably lead everyone to *suspect* the efficacy of these treatments
4. The financial incentive to explore this area is non-existant
5. The role of B6 (pyroluria) and B12 (histadelia) in Autism has been studied formally, and PROVEN to be usefull/
6. Autism == Neurological disease of childhood,
7. Depression, anxiety and so on = Neurological disease of adulthood
Here is a quote from the book, "The Neurobiology of Autism"
"Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) supplementation has been reported to improvebehavior in autism (Rimland, 1974). A subsequent double-blind, placebo-controlled trial supported the earlier report (Rimland et al., 1978). Discussing themetabolic approaches to the treatment of autism spectrum disorders, Page(2000) suggested that several well-designed studies, including Coleman (1989),Kleijnen and Knipschild (1991), and Lelord et al. (1988), supported the idea that pyridoxine improves some symptoms of autism."
Coleman N. 1989. Autism: non-drug biological treatments. In C Gilberg (ed.), Diagnosisand Treatment of Autism,pp. 219–35. New York: Plenum Press.
Coppen A, Chaudhry S, Swade C. 1986. Folic acid enhances lithium prophylaxis. J AffectiveDisord10:9–13.
Kleijnen J, Knipschild P. 1991. Niacin and vitamin B-6 in mental functioning: a review ofcontrolled trials in humans. Biol Psychiatry29:931–41.
Lelord G, Barthelemy C, Martineau N. 1988. Clinical and biological effects of vitamin B-6 plus magnesium in autistic subjects. In J Laklam and R Reynolds R (eds.), VitaminB-6 Responsive Disorders in Humans,pp. 329–56. New York: Liss.
Page T. 2000. Metabolic approaches to the treatment of autism spectrum disorders. JAutism Dev Disord30:463–69
Rimland B. 1974. An orthomolecular study of psychotic children. J Orthomol Psychiatry3:371–77.
Rimland B, Callaway E, Dreyfus P. 1978. The effect of high doses of vitamin B-6 on autis-tic children: a double-blind crossover study. Am J Psychiatry135:472–75.