Wednesday, 28 March 2012

serine to cysteine ratio is high in people suffering from any form of psychiatric disease

The British Journal of Psychiatry (1983)143: 69-73doi:10.1192/bjp.143.1.69


Plasma serine to cysteine ratio as a biological marker for psychosis.


In a study of plasma amino acids in psychiatric patients, serine to cysteine (S/C) ratio was higher (S/C = 1.57 +/- 0.28) in 57 psychotics compared to 27 nonpsychotics (S/C = 1.06 +/- 0.23). This difference was highly significant at P less than 0.001. Psychotic patients were given a psychosis score (p score) of 1-4. The S/C ratios of individual patients were significantly correlated to their p scores (r = 0.65, P less than 0.001). S/C ratios were not related to diagnosis, age, sex, food intake and medications. When the initial S/C ratio and p scores of 22 patients were compared to their S/C ratio and p score at the time when they were improved and ready to be discharged, there was a concomitant fall both in S/C ratios and p scores suggesting the high S/C ratios may be indicative of a state rather than a trait characteristic. Our findings lead us to the conclusion that S/C ratios may provide a marker for the presence of psychosis and an index of its severity."

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Low levels of Testosterone, DHEA-S, and Cortisol together are indicative of chronically decreased adrenal function. And how to do saliva cortisol testing.

Source: Adrenal Fatigue The 21st Century 86 Stress Syndrome©
by James L. Wilson ND, DC, Ph.D.
ISBN: 0-9843635-0-5 978-0-9843635-0-6
Page 86

"How I Use the Saliva Hormone Tests

"I use the saliva hormone test to confirm other signs and symptoms of adrenal fatigue. I start with a saliva cortisol screening test that measures cortisol levels at four different times during the day: between 6:00-8:00 AM (within 1 hour after waking) when cortisol levels are highest; between 11:00- 12:00AM; between 4:00-6:00 PM; and between 10:00-12:00 PM. This shows how your cortisol levels vary during the day (something else you cannot easily do with blood or urine tests).

"In addition, if I have a patient whose main symptom is fatigue and their questionnaire is inconclusive, or if someone has intermittent symptoms, I use the saliva test to determine if their symptoms are related to low adrenal function. Sometimes I have patients carry around some test vials with them so they can take saliva samples while they are experiencing a low period or other symptoms, at any time during the day. On each saliva sample they write the date and time. They also record, along with the date and time, information on a separate sheet of paper and send the vials off to the lab. When I get their test results back, I compare their saliva cortisol levels with the laboratory standards for the time they are
experiencing symptoms. If the cortisol levels are low at those times, we know that low adrenal function is involved in the symptom picture. This gives me a way to assess adrenal activity at the time they were
experiencing a symptom.

"Another way I like to use the saliva test, when possible, is to compare samples taken when a patient is experiencing an energy high or low with samples taken during a regular day, when the patient is feeling relatively normal (baseline samples). After we have a baseline, these patients carry around some spare vials to take saliva samples at times when they are feeling especially good or especially bad. Again, they record the symptom(s) they were experiencing as well as the date and time (on a separate sheet of paper). They also record the date and time on each vial and send them off to the lab. This is an excellent way to determine whether the lows and highs you experience correspond to relatively low and high cortisol levels. To my knowledge, no other physician uses this method, but it is quite a handy method of determining cortisol levels in relation to symptoms.

"I also usually measure DHEA-S levels with the saliva test as well because the adrenals are the primary source of DHEA-S (but not necessarily DHEA). Adrenal fatigue syndrome often involves decreased DHEA-S. The DHEA-S level is a direct indicator of the functioning of the area within the adrenal glands that produces sex hormones (the zona reticularis). Saliva tests for testosterone, the estrogens, progesterone and other hormones can also be done, if needed, and may be of value in working with adrenal fatigue. Testosterone and DHEA-S levels are two of the most reliable indicators of biological age. Testosterone and DHEA-S levels below the reference range for the person’s age may be indicators
of increased aging. If the cortisol levels are also decreased, the 3 tests together further indicate chronically decreased adrenal function."

Adrenal fatigue syndrome often involves decreased DHEA-S.

Source: Adrenal Fatigue The 21st Century 86 Stress Syndrome©
by James L. Wilson ND, DC, Ph.D.
ISBN: 0-9843635-0-5 978-0-9843635-0-6
Page 86

"I also usually measure DHEA-S levels with the saliva test as well
because the adrenals are the primary source of DHEA-S (but not
necessarily DHEA). Adrenal fatigue syndrome often involves decreased
DHEA-S. The DHEA-S level is a direct indicator of the functioning of
the area within the adrenal glands that produces sex hormones (the zona
reticularis). Saliva tests for testosterone, the estrogens, progesterone
and other hormones can also be done, if needed, and may be of value in
working with adrenal fatigue. Testosterone and DHEA-S levels are two of
the most reliable indicators of biological age. Testosterone and DHEA-S
levels below the reference range for the person’s age may be indicators
of increased aging. If the cortisol levels are also decreased, the 3 tests
together further indicate chronically decreased adrenal function."

Adrenal fatigue can cause improper cortisol regulation - Phosphatidyl Serine, when given at the correct time of day, can help alleviate high night-time cortisol level. High midnight cortisol levels denote stress maladaptation - the loss of the negative feedback inhibition whereby the brain and pituitary gland down-regulate inappropriately elevated cortisol.

Cortisol levels are supposed to decline through the day, and be lowest at midnight.

"When midnight cortisol levels are elevated, supplementation of an additional nutrient is indicated. High midnight cortisol levels denote stress maladaptation - the loss of the negative feedback inhibition whereby the brain and pituitary gland down-regulate inappropriately elevated cortisol. Supplements of phosphatidylserine have been found to result in reduction of midnight cortisol levels. Incorporation of phosphatidylserine into the membranes of brain cells apparently restores sensitivity to cortisol receptors."


Thursday, 1 March 2012

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) is reduced in insulin resistance and actually a very good marker for insulin resistance

"SHBG is reduced in insulin resistance and actually a very good marker for insulin resistance.
Many women with polycystic ovarian syndrome have a high-normal or even a normal total
testosterone but have a low SHBG because they have insulin resistance. Therefore, their
bioavailable testosterone is often on the high side."

Source: " and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).pdf"

Testosterone is usually high in polycystic ovarian syndrome, especially the bioavailable testosterone, while it is usually low in Cushing's syndrome or hypopituitarism.

Source: and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).pdf

"SHBG also binds to estradiol and therefore, a high SHBG coupled with a normal estradiol may
mean that the amount of bioavailable estradiol is actually on the low side, and a low SHBG may
mean a higher bioavailable estradiol. Because of the wide range of estradiol, this is often less
important than for testosterone.

Dr. Friedman frequently is trying to figure out whether the patient has hypopituitarism,
polycystic ovarian syndrome, or Cushing's syndrome. All these conditions can lead to acne and hirsutism. However, the testosterone is usually high in polycystic ovarian syndrome, especially
the bioavailable testosterone, while it is usually low in Cushing's syndrome or hypopituitarism.
Dr. Friedman recently published a paper that a testosterone level above 31 ng/dL (done at
Esoterix) is more indicative of polycystic ovarian syndrome, and less than that is more indicative
of Cushing's syndrome. If the testosterone is measured in other labs, different cut-offs will be

In conclusion, it is very important to measure bioavailable and total testosterone as well as
SHBG in most women being evaluated for hormonal disorders. Dr. Friedman encourages
patients to visit his website at for more information."